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Compare items from merchants with your inventory


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I am looking for a mod allowing to compare items from merchants with the ones in your inventory.

Supposing I look at a shield from a merchant, my current shield appears on the right next to it, allowing to compare their look, armor value...

Does it exist ? (haven't found it on Nexus yet)

Thanks !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not really sure why anyone would bother for this.


In vanilla, there are only 10 shields. It's not going to be hard to remember what each one looks like, plus the stats won't matter since they don't vary. All shields of the same make (all dwarven shields for example) have the same stats.


If you're asking modded shields, not sure. Personally I've never had trouble comparing. I know what my shield looks like and it's stats. If I ever have trouble I press alt and it opens to the same category in my inventory (using SkyUI).

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