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Mass Effect Companion request


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I have the whole model for 3ds max on my hdd including all textures...maybe I can come up with something with the help from maywire and someone who is more experienced with coding companions...


PS: Tali is my most fav char as well in ME :P


Hell I ain't gonna work on this any time soon. I feel like I've got such a backlog of Mass Effect poo to do I'm gonna have to overdose on Metamucil and work it out with a pencil.

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I have the whole model for 3ds max on my hdd including all textures...maybe I can come up with something with the help from maywire and someone who is more experienced with coding companions...


PS: Tali is my most fav char as well in ME :P


It's not the actual game model/textures, is it?

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Tali's my favorite, too. I really wish she could've been a love interest for Shephard. I mean, Ashley and Liara are great, but Tali is just the best. ^O^


Though I gotta admit, while Tali's my favorite character, Wrex is my eye candy. <3


What? I don't care if he has a nutrient-storing hump on his back. He's basically the predecessor to Charon, I tells ya!


On a Tali subject, anyone just love her accent? X3

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Tali's my favorite, too. I really wish she could've been a love interest for Shephard. I mean, Ashley and Liara are great, but Tali is just the best. ^O^


Though I gotta admit, while Tali's my favorite character, Wrex is my eye candy. <3


What? I don't care if he has a nutrient-storing hump on his back. He's basically the predecessor to Charon, I tells ya!


On a Tali subject, anyone just love her accent? X3


I'm all for a Tali companion. I love her accent :D

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