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More water holes


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There is a large hole in one cell of the Worldspace's water, it floats way above the rest of the water. The problem showed up a week or so ago- I had a pond that was infested with Mirelurks, and all of a sudden, the Placeable Water I had put in the worldspace started acting glitchy. It wasn't until I deleted it that I realized the worldspace's default water had risen up to the height of that placeable water, but only in one cell.

I've tried "needs water adjustment," messing with the default/LOD water height, everything. This mod has pretty much been my life for the past 6 months, and I don't want some floating water to ruin it now.



See? Water missing here...



...and that's where it's at now- partially covering where my Placeable Water used to be.

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