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2 computers, 1 nmm account


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I currently have 2 computers and 1 nexus account. Can I use one nexus account (nexus mod manager) to get mods for each computer (both computers have skyrim and a few other games) or is this a violation of eula? Would using one account confuse NMM? Should I have a separate nexus account for each computer?


Also how do I see how much a payment plan is in us dollars? They only seem to be listed in euro's.


Thank you

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I have two computers and one nexus account, I've also been known to grab mods from school, work or library computers - it's fine. The reverse is not fine, two accounts on one computer. Definitely don't do the reverse.


NMM only responds to the mods on a specific computer. So it won't get confused, though you might.


You can get US dollars simply by using a google calculator.

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