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PLEASE help, SHADOW problem in game!


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My problem is that when im walking, it appears as though some form of "shadow lines/lines" move with the near by objects/buildings.
I have tried a few mods, and a few ini settings, but ultimately googling this has given me very few results, and most are not for my problem.
this problem is happening, even with 0 mods installed.

I have a 9800gtx+ OC
fx 6300

I run the game at 1080p near max, shadows on low.
I get around 60fps stable.

here is a short clip i made, as you can see the shadowed line or what ever it is, appears to be moving when i do.


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Google search Skyrim shadow tweaks :smile:

Already did that, for hours.


I've turned shadows on ultra, that fixes it. but lags.

so i compared my old ini, with medium shadows, next to the ultra ini shadows.


I started to mess around with things, i switched all my shadow resolutions to ultra, it made no difference.

so then i adjusted the fshadowdistance, to 8k. this fixes it MOSTLY, but when far away, it will do it, with the LINES drawaing the shadows showing, more so A line, where as the shadows began to draw period.


so it seems what ever in the ini, smooths out, and hides the LINE of the shadows moving, is somehow no right.

I am still trying to experiment with this, if anyone has any input, id appreciate it!


after more experimenting, I've found that no matter what setting i change, shadow wise under display, only the fshadowdistance helps it some.

but i have yet to figure out whats cossing the shadows moving on the wall to be so visible.

Edited by raidon18
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what happens when you turn off your ENB?


Perhaps the textures you're using don't have the correct shader thingo done to them or they just don't play nice with an ENB (not a texture expert btw)

I tried that, i even did a fresh install, also what im using is not an enb, tho im pleased to see you think so ^_^ its actually ultra realistic world lighting mod + imajinator(my own settings) +dynovision. i only lose 1 fps with it allXD


but even without these mods, clean save, and base game it does this. UNLESS i go to ultra shadows, which on my graphics card really takes a crap lol.


even setting the fshadow distance to 8k, does not stop it for good, only if i set it to like 15000 does it all go away, but then i get a decent lag.

so i dont think its that, as its not on others systems. something else is going on, sure wish i knew.

Edited by raidon18
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Haha nice setup :smile:

Have you tried changing the following value in skyrimprefs.ini to this: fShadowBiasScale=1.000

fshadowdistance=8000 seems to be what others with similar shadow problems have used to fix things.

Perhaps the problem is with URWL or maybe play at a lower resolution.

It looks like you're moving through FOG. Maybe tweak fog settings in imaginator.


I had a quick look through google for shadow problems in Skyrim, have a look at these, might be helpful :D


Edited by vlaka
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Haha nice setup :smile:

Have you tried changing the following value in skyrimprefs.ini to this: fShadowBiasScale=1.000

fshadowdistance=8000 seems to be what others with similar shadow problems have used to fix things.

Perhaps the problem is with URWL or maybe play at a lower resolution.

It looks like you're moving through FOG. Maybe tweak fog settings in imaginator.


I had a quick look through google for shadow problems in Skyrim, have a look at these, might be helpful :D


Thanku very much, i also discovered these settings, the problem mostly was from the fact, that i had my shadow resolutions at 512, and main at 1024.

i did this, because i edited other settings to still make the shadows look great, without the performance loss. but alas it would seem that other tricks had to be made lol...some optimization.

so all i had to do, was set fShadowBiasScale=2.4000 no lower then that.


to think it took so many hours, so many lol just to discover that. in the end my settings do not require 8k shadow distance, nor any of the others. im glad to see it was doable.

I may make a mod out of these configurations, its highly optimized, and the shadows look great still.


THanku kindly, for answering and helping me m8.

Edited by raidon18
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