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Annoying moving lines when in dark places


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Any way to remove them? I want to use a darker night mod, but the lines are too annoying. I can't really explain them too well, but if it's happened to you, you'll know what I'm talking about. It happens a lot on people's faces/bodies, the sky, and armor/weapons.


Can you post a screen shot because whatever it is I've never seen it.

It does sound to me like something messed up with shadows if it's on just about everything, although I guess the sky doesn't count there.


I use this mod for darker more realistic nights. It's an old one but works well for me, but not knowing exactly what your existing problem is it may not help you at the moment.


Original Colour Darker Nights


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I have a lot of lines and chasing dots on my two-year old system. The worst lines are the seams between tiles in caves, and the seam between an NPC's head and torso. Some of the lines are due to bad programming and bad modding. They place textures in exactly the same space, and on the same plane, and that causes problems. I have never had trouble with the sky. I don't know if any of my lines are the same as your lines.
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