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Quick Question


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Okay, first off, is there even a lute included in Vanilla?


Secondly, if there isn't, where could I find that?


Thirdly, when I get said lute mesh, would it be possible to change it into a quiver item like the Assassin's Shortsword in this mod (check out the fourth picture)?


Fourthly, after all the above questions are answered, can someone walk me through it or do it themselves?

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Okay, first off, is there even a lute included in Vanilla?


Secondly, if there isn't, where could I find that?


Thirdly, when I get said lute mesh, would it be possible to change it into a quiver item like the Assassin's Shortsword in this mod (check out the fourth picture)?


Fourthly, after all the above questions are answered, can someone walk me through it or do it themselves?


1. Not to my knowledge

2. Five second search found this:

Minstrel's Lute



3. and 4. Someone else may be able to answer those questions.

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