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Reload animation mag issue


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I am using the vanilla sniper as a template for a custom weapon and I’ve noticed that after reload the weapon and the mag have been a little displaced. That occurs even in untouched vanilla after removing all custom animations like Fallout 3 Re-Animated. In my pictures the displacement is small but is appreciable the weapon orientation and the mag position.


In other weapons it happens too, but the displacement is lower, being the G3 and Plasma rifles almost unnoticeable. I tried to use those weapons as templates (fixing all the animations options in GECK), but for some reason it messed up their animations. So I need the sniper rifle (and I’m modding a sniper so I think it will be better).


Is this a Fallout issue or its happening only to me?


And if is a Fallout issue, is there a mod like Fallout 3 Re-Animated that solves it? Or maybe is there a way to solve it by myself, like using other weapons animations, or by changing animation type in GECK, or something else.

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where is this image Posted @ here is what it shows:




disregard. network lag


Edited by Purr4me
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where is this image Posted @ here is what it shows:




disregard. network lag


mmm yes, this image is the highest allowed on posts because the displacement is slight and difficult to notice, it is not really a big deal but it would be nice to know this solution.

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