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Downloads load?


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At the time of me writing this, the downloads are still broken unless they're over 2mb, so I decided to post what I've been doing to get around this problem. Note that this is probably only for premium members unless there isn't a check on the premium servers for if you're premium or not.


REQUIRES - Firefox, and basic knowledge of how to use it.



1. Open the file you want to download

2. Try to download it

3. When the window with the error comes up, copy the name of the file from the address bar. It should look like:

http://fs2.tesnexus.com/download.php?file=[File here]&domain=tesnexus.com

The name of the file is where it says [File here]

4. Open another tab in firefox, and past this line into it:


5. Then put the name of the file you want to download at the end of that line, IE


6. Press enter and confirm download


If you did it right (and again, don't know if it works for everyone or just premiums), it should pull up a window with the save/open/cancel buttons.

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