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Issue with OBSE and other Oblivion Mods


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I'm trying to install the OBSE in order to use another mod that requires it. I've been downloading the file and then adding it to the NMM, I then install it to the game from there. The problem is the when I check the data files from the Oblivion launcher it does not show OBSE, and the mod that requires it does not work properly.

The mods in question that I am trying to use are the Blockhead Plugin and the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. Both of which require the OBSE to function. The latter of which did seem to install and did appear on the data files, but it wasn't functioning properly. It said that I still needed to install Blockhead, which according to the NMM, I did.

If it helps, I am using the Steam version of the game and a launching it through Steam as well. I'm not sure if this issue is occurring because I am not launching the game through the NMM, but whenever I have tried doing that I get an error message (Application load error 5:0000065434).

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Hey, DasMustard!


This issue has been thoroughly discussed (and solved) in the OCO v2 thread, but summarizing:


Neither OBSE nor Blockhead can be installed via NMM (nor OBMM nor Wrye Bash). Both MUST be installed MANUALLY and following to the letter their respective installation instructions. No matter what NMM tells you: you can't install them using it, your game will not recognize them properly if you try to install them with a Mod Manager... as you have discovered by yourself.


And OBSE and Blockhead are not mods. They are system files, so they do not show in the Mods list of any Mod Manager.


Since you're playing via Steam, I suggest you to look on the OCO v2 thread. I am not a Steam user (old Retail Disc version), but there are extra steps and requirements. And do not forget to read OBSE's Readme.




EDIT: I forgot: OCO v2 Core can be installed normally using NMM and in fact it's STRONGLY recommended to install it with NMM, not because the installation is difficult, but because in the case you need to uninstall it, the only safe way to uninstall OCO v2 is using the same Mod Manager used for installation.


SO: OBSE and Blockhead: NO NMM. MANUALLY.



The Texture Patches for your Body Replacer can be installed via NMM, I think. I am not a NMM user, so I'm not sure.

Edited by IkeCoast
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Hey, DasMustard!


The Thread has lots of unvaluable information, however it's a little bit messy nowadays, so if you find yourself unable to find the information you need, don't hesitate to come here again and post further questions and issues you stumble on. I'll be glad to try my best to help you here, too. Most likely the next question you'll have is in regards of the unnaturally long male eyelashes. Until Nuska herself fixes it in a future update, I can tell you how to fix it by yourself, but it involves some knowledge of NifSkope and the Construction Set.




PS: I'm not involved in the develepment of OCO, by the way, it's the sole work (and merit) of Nuska. But I've come to become more or less an expert on OCO myself (been using it since its first version).

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Well thank you.


I actually tried to install the files manually to my Oblivion file folder, and it still doesn't appear to have worked.


I installed the files obse_1_2_416.dll obse_editor_1_2.dll obse_steam_loader.dll and then Blockhead.dll


but the OCO still won't work.

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The installation paths are essential, the files must be placed in the correct folders. If you follow to the letter the installation instructions, all should go well.


The OBSE files (the three you mention here) go to the main Oblivion folder, where the Oblivion.exe is located, and the Blockhead.dll file goes into the Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder.


The downloaded zip file for OBSE also contains a Data folder, that needs to be merged with your own Data folder, since it contains a OBSE.ini file that is needed for OBSE to work.


Next, you need to enable the Steam Community (I think it's now called differently, since the last Steam update).


Furthermore, if your Steam and Oblivion are installed inside the C:\Programs Folder, it's very likely you have a UAC issue: your OS (W7 or 8 ) is preventing OBSE from working because the UAC does not allow it to write its own files.


Before we further meddle with your installation, could you tell me the exact path where OBSE and Blockhead files are in your system, and if you have activated Steam Community or its current incarnation in game?




EDIT: I again forgot something: once everything is properly installed, do not forget to run Archive Invalidation via NMM.

Edited by IkeCoast
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Hey, DasMustard!


I'm sorry but right now I need to go to sleep, it's past 4 on the morning here Central Europe TIme).


I don't know any good step by step guide on this subject, but all you need is already somewhere in the OCO v2 thread (including links about the Steam issues). Later, once I had some hours of sleep, I'll help you to find them.


Just remember: install the files according their respective Readme instructions, enable Steam Community in game (via Steam control panel), run Archive Invalidation after installation, and ponder about moving Steam and your games OUT of the default C:\ProgramFiles(x86).


See you later!



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OBSE is NOT a mod, and does not install like a mod, and will not show up on any mod manager. It is a script extender that adds functions to the game program - and it MUST be loaded before the game is loaded every time. There is no set up or options involved - just install and run. OBSE allows mod makers to put stuff in the game that are just not possible using just the game itself - and then is needed by users to play those mods made using it.


If a mod requires OBSE, it cannot work without it, and may crash your game when it tries to load that mod and the mod cannot find the function it needs to work.


The installation instructions for OBSE are included in the download - just unzip and follow those very simple instructions.

Always go to the original site for OBSE downloads to be sure you have the latest and most up to date version. http://obse.silverlock.org/


It MUST be started every time or it will not be included in the game - this is also explained in the included documentation.


Oblivion is an old game and most of it's mods were created long before NMM or Steam Workshop were invented. So many of those old mods just will not work with those mod managers. At the time, most people who used mods actually knew a bit about computers and were able to install mods manually. The original mod manager just for Oblivion is OBMM ( Oblivion Mod Manager) it works quite a bit differently from either Steam Workshop or NMM. But is not as easy for a neophyte. Many Oblivion mods were adapted just for this manager. So if a mod says it is OMOD ready - it won't work with NMM. but can usually be installed manually.

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