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Realistic Trapping


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I would love to have a trapping mod where the hunter traps you make actually work like TRAPS--they catch and hold the animal there. IRL, a successful foot-trap or a snare or whatever doesn't just do a little bit of damage and then immediately release the critter, it catches it and holds it.


This would actually be really, really useful in conjunction with some of the "Tame Beast" mods out there. That way you can sit back at a comfortable distance and cast the spell to try and tame it instead of trying to do it while the wolf or saber cat is eating your face.

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If you'll read what I'm describing in the first post, you'll see that they're really quite different. What I'm interested in is realistic trapping--trapping in this case being a form of hunting for animals.


What you linked is "trapped dungeons" sort of traps that can be made--things that do a little bit of damage, but do NOT catch and hold.


Although similar, they really aren't the same thing, though the kind of "catch and hold" traps I'm describing would be quite useful for an archer who knows how to deploy them. Set the trap, lure the bandits into it, then pick them off while they're stuck trying to free themselves from it. The foot traps in the game currently just do a tiny bit of damage as you run over them, which isn't very realistic. And if you up the damage so it's an instant-kill, that's even less realistic.

Edited by Ragtatter
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