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doctorplaguecog - BANNED

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doctorplaguecog banned.




Reason for the ban

Insulting little troll - Seeing as all of your posts here are just insulting ppl you are no longer welcome here.



Wow, You are absolute cancer. Consider killing yourself furry f@&#!t.


Thanks, Assholes.

I downloaded this and it gave my computer russian autism.


If you're too autistic to tell that ugly thing is a hybrid than creativity is f***ed.

Sergal are NOT original or a new race. You will never see these things going down into history. You push and push them and time and time again people like me need to tell you one simple word. One simple word that makes you sergals angry to hear when presented with these sharkwolves.

NO. What really angers me is how you push these things above actual creativity and SPIT upon those who challenge you wtih actual creativity.


If Bronies regard the 1950's as sexist, racist, homophobic, christianity-tainted.. Why would you come here exactly?

That makes no sense. You're against the 50's..Why are you here?




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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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