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3DS Max -> NifSkope -> GECK Texture Issues


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Lo all,


I today finished and managed to get my static mesh ingame (minus collision model so far), but upon UVW'ing it, and then .dds'ing the texture and applying in Nifskope (which all proved successful), it decided to show up as see-through ingame, like the entir emesh was made of glass.


Anyone have any ideas what I could be doing wrong?


I'm copying my new model's data over to the vanilla ecvwarroom14 mesh.



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show some pics of your mesh in geck preview window, in nifskope, as well as the nifskope data block tree fully expanded with all nodes showing.


additionally tell us what you want it to look like, if there are any parts that you want to be a specific material type, or others you want to look different from the rest, etc.


I am going to hazard a guess the answer lies in your BSNoLighting nodes, if you have any.

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Yes, show some pics it will help us help you and diagnose the problem faster. Its either in your material node where you have set changed alpha from 1.00 to something like 0.9999 or below. That tends to make the meshes look transparent or opaque. If its not there it could be the normals need flipping or in your diffuse.dds you need to remove the alpha channel and save as a DXT1 no alpha. Ive noticed that with some meshes the alpha channel in the diffuse just doesn't get along with the mesh and makes them transparent. Although its rare I've ran into it at least 3 times, so don't be surprised. Your normal map alpha should still work.
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Cheers guys :) Let me go through the steps I went through;


1) Created my mesh as an editable mesh in 3DS Max 9. Later converted it to a poly. Not sure why. (*shrug*)


2) Created a UVW map and applied VERY basic textures to it.


3) converted said textures in photoshop to .dds format


4) Exported ecvwaroom14.nif from Vanilla and copied block data from my exported mesh in Max to the Nistripsdata of all the components of the vanilla mesh.


5) Saved as new, tested. Obvious scaling issues, but I scale the model up in GECK to the appropriate size of the player (would this have later collision mesh rammifications?).


A second ago, I copied a part of the nistripsdata over to a part of the vanilla nistripsdata that I'd missed, and instead of going transparent, it went bright white. Now ingame, it comes up pitch black, as if light doesnt affect it.


The below screeny links all represent the windows asked to see. Hope these make sense :S?


My Mesh textured in Nifskope BEFORE copying to Vanilla ecvwaroom.nif


Once copied over


As it appears ingame


Cheers :)

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You are making some progress, thats good :D


Anyway, i dont think you can really use nifskope the way you have it set up.


open nifskope and click on view menu and make sure you have block list and block details checked.


I dont know why its not that way by default.


For copying nitristripsdata onto the vanilla nif:

The way I do it is click on nitristrips and copy the nitristripsdata into the data field in the block details panel.

Then I delete the unparented nitristripsdata that will appear at the bottom of the block list.

This way you just get the geometry that you want without changing other things you may not want to.


Shaders. should stay the same if you do it that way. but you might check em cause you want the type to be default usually and the shader flags

zbuffertest shadowfrustrum empty and unknown like you get on most of the vanilla stuff.


Then. you should scale your nitristrips with right click>transform>scale vertices. and uncheck scale normals.

cause if you scale the collision mesh also thats probably bad. Im assuming you are using a vanilla collision object?

You can change the position also by changeing xyz values in the translation field of the nitristrips block details list


Before you save the file you should always use the spells>batch>update all tangent spaces otherwise your normals might not render properly in the game.


Hope that helps you!

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Cheers matey :) I've not actually created my collision mesh yet, as I'm not familair with that. Would it be worth me working around the coll mesh before tackling this then? I've had a crack at a fair few tutorials and they all seem to lose me at certain points.
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You can get away with using a vanilla collision mesh if you are makeing a vase or other such object that just needs to sit there.


If you need to make your own collision mesh cause you dont want the object to clip through things when its knocked around. i recommend this tutorial:



It has a section on using nifskope to pack your collision mesh and put it into the bhkcollisionobject

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You can get away with using a vanilla collision mesh if you are makeing a vase or other such object that just needs to sit there.


If you need to make your own collision mesh cause you dont want the object to clip through things when its knocked around. i recommend this tutorial:



It has a section on using nifskope to pack your collision mesh and put it into the bhkcollisionobject


ta dude, yeah Ive got that one, not had a chance to get round to the collision tutorial yet though. Take it it still applies if I havent used Blender and used Max?


I'd ideally like to try and get the texture showing up ingame first though, see if that works :)

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Where's your BSShaderPPLightingProperty (and BSShaderTextureSet under it, where you're supposed to do the texturing)? Are you sure you didn't export this as an Oblivion nif?


Ah... well erm, the tutorial I followed for exporting NIF's stated not to change the game... I just assumed this was something to do with nifskope..? Let me try that... :wallbash: :thanks:

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