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3DS Max -> NifSkope -> GECK Texture Issues


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Many tutorials are a version or 2 out of date.


Its a good idea to frequent niftools forums to make sure you have the newest software.




For example the new nifscripts exporter has an option to use bsfadenode for a havok object instead of the ninode.


Cheers fella, I've just got in from work, so I'm gonna have a crack at it this evening as I'm going away for a fortnight on Friday and want to make some solid progress with the mod.


I'll update in a couple of hours when I get truly and utterly stuck! :P



EDIT: The most important question I should really ask relates to the scale of my mesh and the vanilla .nif.


Does the vanilla .nif have to be of similar size to how I want the mesh ingame? And if not and I need to scale it, will this be possible without effecting the collision model?


EDIT 2: HOOO Yeah! It's textured without issues now and is ingame :) I guess I'll have to look up a handy collision tutorial for 3DS Max 9. Anybody care to point me in the right direction? Found a few on youtube and google, but they all seem to speed off on a tangent and lose me :P

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  • 3 months later...
ok this may sound really silly but when im editing in the render window and I look at most objects like walls I can see through them to the rooms behind, some tables and things don’t appear at all, is this just a setting iv missed or is it the way they have created the geck cus im used to using the elders scrolls construction sets.
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