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FOMM Load order


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edit: Meh it works now...was looking at one of the esp files instead of the esm I had to load it before.


Hey, I've never had a problem with FOMM before, but I have a few questions:


1) Can I get FOMM to show my "real" load order? I tried clicking the "mod index" thing at the top, hoping it would sort it into the actual order, but no luck.


2) I dragged an .esm I needed to load before another mod above it in the list, but due to the problem above it's not actually changing it's load order, which leads me onto the question. How do I actually change the load order? :wallbash: If I right click, I only get the "load first" or "load last" options, which isn't what I need :confused:


3) This all started because FO3Edit won't let me make a merged patch until I fix this load order, so help please :P

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