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so, i almost got my char lookin the way i want her (sorta like a female version of snake plyskin from escape from NY) but the armor shes wearing needs a little something http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1246303799.jpg


If someone could find their way to removing the shoulders leaving exposed flesh from just above the elbow and the shoulder itself.


Also the stealth capabilities should really stop working on it when durability hits zero. I find i dont bother to maintain the suit when i only really use it for stealth. Is it just me or does anyone else want to feel the rush when a stray shot hits you and shorts out your suit right in the middle of an argument between 2 super mutant overlords.


Also, i recently learned to fear and respect the plasma rifle, but i cant help but notice it looks kinda......crap. Has anyone done anything to make it look like it does in the original fallouts? Or even just made it look less....crap.


considering my usual outlandish requests, i dont think i'm asking much :P

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