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Gauss scope texture issue


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About the Gauss DX, I've tested it before and it says that this mod is obsolete because EVE has a better version of it, so I use EVE, but this Gauss inspired me to manage effects and pushed me to install EVE, so anyway I've endorsed it, also I forgot the kudos to anyone who helped me, it was difficult to find the button but I found it in the Nexus profile, ha, now given.


And about releasing mods, mmm, yes, so far I had not uploaded mods because they were not 100% mine, but after seen mods with virtually no work, or badly finished, or even completely pointless, I think that my work could aid a bit, at least for ideas, I've used most strange mods as inspiration, taking scripts or useful pieces, I owe this community a result and I'll try to properly release something. You have encouraged me.

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Thank you very much. I'll see If another person will send you a custom weapon not on the nexus, this weapon is 100% Unique, is built from default code only with a twist in effects.


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