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Gameplay Overhaul - Step by step improve


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I will be writing this topic as follows : 1. Main idea, the point 2. Spoiler theory with more details 3. Spoiler with examples.


Issue : I don`t like the sudden big benefits/penalties in game.



Dramatic changes based on reaching some threshold or number.



You have 299/300 encumberance and running around like a gazzele and then you pick up 1 flower and you cannot move at all.
Or in leveling system, the perks are something similar. You improve in huge jumps - big sudden damage boosts or huge percentual chances to do something awesome (paralyze, etc.)



Instead this system, there could be a system based on minor percentual chances to be able to do anything, that would level up with the skill/experiencing it, instead of perk picking.



From the begining of the game you and your opponents would be able of any "move" any ability they possibly could be able to pull, but with minor percentual chances increasing with their skill in the attack/defence they are using. And there would be no sudden dramatic penalties/boosts, rather slowly increasing ones.




You/opponents would have a MINOR chance to paralyze a target with arrow, let`s say 0,25% chance and it would increase by 0,25% with each skill gained. So at 100 it would be 0,25% x 100 = 25% to paralyze target.

Or the encumbrance of a worn armor would decrease by small steps, let`s say 1% per skill, so at 100 skill it would be encumberance-less.

Or when packing or unpacking gear, you learn how to do it more efficiently, saving some space in the process (yes, that would be one of many new skills possible, packing)

Using any item that required some crafting done on it (everything human made - from weapons to houses :smile: ) could increase characters understanding of craftsmanship.

Jumping, running and stamina based actions would increase stamina pool. Using magic would increase magicka pool. As a side effect, health would increase.

Just few of many many examples how it could work, but you get the point.




Also skill learning could be enviroment/experience based rather than just usage based.



It is possible to learn from others, their weaknesses, movements, abilities, just by observing or interacting with them (in any way).




In a fight with a light armored oponent, you shoot an arrow at him and hit. You could learn the weak spot of light armor (ideally the specific type but that could be compatibility issue); the weak spot of a humanoids; a more efficient bow fighting; how to better aim (criticals); how to use less stamina; etc.

Or you could learn how to be better at speachcraft just by spending some time at inns or at public spaces or shops.

Or with every magic attack that hits you, you could learn how to better handle it, or even the enemy could teach you how to be better at using the spell (again i think the spell school would be better for compatibility sake).

There could be opponent-type based knowledge (ex. humanoids, beasts, undead, etc.) that would give you a boost(minor-that is the whole point of this topic) whenever you are fighting them.

Again endless possibilities.




This would radicaly change the gameplay experience, the fights would be more unpredictable and random, so in my opinion more fun. This is just a concept, brutto idea. Any numbers/features will be refined in future thinking/discussion/work. Thanks for any ideas/critics/help/references to similar projects.

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