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Nobody will train me anymore.....


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I don't know if I'm missing something, or if it's just another case of this game being illogical...



I'm getting up there in levels by now. Pretty high skills, but not high enough sometimes. I found someone to train me in Blade, for example, in Leyawiin, but she would only train me twice before I got the dreaded "This character cannot train you any higher" message. :wallbash:



Then I see she's only a journeyman. What the hell? It seems like everyone who offers training is practically an amateur. Why set the character's skill so low? Why not, oh I don't know, expert? But that would acutally make sense, so why do that? :rolleyes:



I really want to find someone who I'm not better than already so I can keep training. All the mods I've found seem to only add the number of times you can train, which doesn't help me if the person is so badly skilled to begin with.



Is there something I'm missing here? About how the trainers work? It's my impression that you can only train with someone until one of two things happens: 1. You train 5 times, or 2. Your skill is higher. Am I wrong about that?


Is there a mod that makes all trainer characters Masters at their craft?

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The thing is to find these people. When you listen in the streets or talk with Npcs, you hear about people jumping of the roofs, sneaking around and similar things. The masters there are, can't be used before the experts can't teach you anymore. (They will tell you who it is and will start the trainer-quest.) If you want to know who those experts are without searching around, take a look here: Trainers.
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Yeah, as soon as I posted this thread I turned the game back on and the same person told me to go look for a guy in an inn really far away (I forget the name now, Faregyl or something). I did and he trained me. Also, there was a guy who offered to train me in Light Armor only if I could bring him an Elven Cuiraisse.


I had never seen stuff like that in the game before, so obviously I'm right on the cusp of the Master trainers' availability. It's just that all the way up to this point, I've had trainers who were less skilled than me, so on top of other aspects of the game that don't make sense, I thought this was another instance.



I like the Master trainers now that they do appear. Doing quests for them first is a nice addition.

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That's the fun about the game, it has its hidden additions. ;). Those talks around town aren't there just for fun..they contain a lot of information that can be useful. Many of them aren't placed as a quest in your journal when they talk about it, it are things that you need to find out yourself. Of course the Experts will always point you to the Masters, but the talk around town as well.

Good luck with the training.

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if you are really desperate, can't you use the console to increase the trainer's skill? i don't know if it'll work cuz i've never tried it, but... theoretically, it should work... right?


sorry for the bad spelling ><

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