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300: Rise of An Empire Mod


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Basically, this could just be a mod which adds several armor sets from the movie 300: Rise of An Empire to the game. Spartan Armor, Athenian Armor, Persian Armor, Immortal Armor (the new design, not the old one) and Artemisia's Armor. Could also come with custom weapons.


You could also add followers and maybe even a quest in which you could choose between the Athenians and the Persians, maybe located on ships or in shipwrecks. So, followers, armors, weapons and maybe a quest to get these things. I really like the Immortals Armor myself, and Artimesia's Armor has what could be a dragon spine on the back, both armors look really cool.

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Well you've read my mind, This would have been my first mod suggestion (request sounds to forceful to my mind), well to be completely honest I would have liked to request the creation of the armours of the immortals and of Artemisia, I'm not really into leather thongs :smile: . This to say that you're not the only one dreaming of roaming through Tamriel into this badass armours:




P.S. Maybe all the quest thing is a bit to far fetched but you are free to ask.

Edited by eclesiarca
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Agreed, the Perian Armors are badass, much more than the Greek ones, but I think having some followers at least would make the mod feel bigger. Maybe located on a docked ship somehwere, Artimesia's Armor and the Immortal's Armor is really badass, weapons could also be added like Immortal's Swords and Artemisia's Swords.

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  • 3 weeks later...

all the hope of a quest mod, I need to disappoint!

we only work on a Artemisia Follower with nearly authentic clothes!



Looking good so far, I still feel that those immortals are a little sub par compared to the ones first made in the Thermopylae mod that was taken down. Here is the link for the video they were used in if you have never seen it http://youtu.be/4ct1668FUKs

Edited by red6joker
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