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Scripted buying/selling - need help


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Hi people, I need some tip or clue as I really don't know where to search for this. I've already made a script that allows the player typing a number and then send it to be compared with another X value, for a positive and a negative result. What I want is this script being executed on the selling/buying screen ONCE the player has selected an item, and I want it to replace default message box ("do you want to sell this item for X?"), so once the player has selected the item he can type in the amount he's asking for it. Another way would be forcing the buying/selling box to open from a custom dialog or messageBox.


So what I need is someone to tell me:


- if there is a script to handle buying/selling or it's some kind of internal unaccessible engine

- if there's a script for that, what's it's name


- how can I force the buying/selling box to open, and once there track wich object has been selected


- any clue, tip, advise or resource you may provide about that matter.


For those of you willing to know my dark purpouses here's the mod request/suggestion I posted a few days ago that inspires that work: topic. I want this mod to be made, but I also want to learn to mod myself, so as nobody seemed interested in that project by now I'm focusing my CS practices on it.



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