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Safe House Mod.


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Its a little shack i made generally for Assassins, but it really can be used for anyone.


~It has 7 rooms total.

  • Kitchen / dining
  • Storage
  • Study
  • Bedroom
  • Forge
  • Basement
  • Secret room


I intentionally made it for my girlfriend, so the guide i made for each room will have me mentioning something to her,

its nothing inappropriate, otherwise i would have fixed it. Since its not, i didn't bother.

It is however my first mod but i as well as my girlfriend have tested it an it works.



-The Forge door from the study to forge is a little glitched, it wont get you stuck or anything, you just have to spend like 5 seconds trying to figure out a way to open the door.

-when you enter the Forge from the basement, going back into the basement, the door is locked on very easy.

once you unlock it, it never locks again unless you have a spell to do so.


-It has no requirements because i made it straight from the Oblivion master file. (which is why its only like 30-67kb).



-At the tip of the island between the bridges at the White Rose River, South of the IC (Imperial City).



-I made the house completely by myself, but the real thanks goes to Oblivion & Bethesda, for with-out their master file, the house/materials would never exist of course.



-Of course, just please acknowledge that i made it an that Bethesda made the materials an such.



-I really need the feedback of what people think.



- [email protected]

- Email Link Here.

- Please email me about any concerns I'm always online so I'll always check often.

(your choice to choose the link or send it by copy an paste.)



- "Safe House Mod at Tesnexus.com"

- "http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27295"

(for those who don't trust the link).



- if any one wants me to fix something or edit something please don't be shy or afraid to ask or even hesitate, ever since i beat/got bored of all my games i have entirely to much time on my hands and I'd rather spend it making something then watching television all the time. I have ROTC but I've already fixed everything i needed for my uniform inspection.

so please email me or comment me about things you might want.



-i can make things, but i cannot actually edit the way something looks, for example, i can take a normal iron sword, but name it something else an give it certain stats. same with NPCs, houses, animals, items, etc etc, but remember, i cant design something, only edit. unless its a house.. but that takes time.

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- To all, please feel free to add a reply to this, email me, or find some way to contact me about anything you

may have questions about. I'll be online checking in till about 9-10:30pm GMT -5:00 (US eastern standard time).

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