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GI JOE Accelerator Suit


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Ever since I saw GI JOE the movie, I have wanted the accelerator suit to be put into the game, with high quality textures and hopefully scripting that would allow you to run, jump and swim faster than ever before.

I am putting this idea out there for any advanced modder's to take on board and make this idea, reality.

I would be doing this myself if I weren't still learning nifskope, photoshop, blender and scripting.


Another good idea is to add some scripting to the ironman suit created by TOXA (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7652) and re-textured by Fenrir (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9305) so that the iron man suit can fly. The hover chair mod created by AndyW1384 (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4501) also has a very convincing thrust jet that might be able to be shrunk down to fit on the ironman suit's hands.


I don't know if anyone would take time to do this or if it is possible. I am just putting the idea out.

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Exactly, I'm learning how to use nifskope created my first gun last night I pretty proud of it. Although I doubt I could make this.


If anyone can make this please do, it would be the best!


There is a mod on fallout 3 nexus that allows the play to run and jump faster and higher by pressing a button, this might be able to be taken from that mod and put onto this armor!


The mod is called reflex armor.

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That mod is a very good one but I was meaning for someone to create an actual mesh for the GI JOE accelerator suit, and then maybe add some of those features from the coyote reflex armor to it.

I don't believe there is a mod like this.


I know that TOXA01 is a very good mesh artist from his work on the ironman suit.

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