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Space marine armor (i don't care if it's not canon!)


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Please, can some one make space marine armor got oblivion?


Or maybe you can cut corners and convert it from the fallout 3 mod... should not be to much for some one who knows what there doing... and is not stupid like me who would break his game....



here's the fallout 3 mod of the armor... http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4651

a converted one of these would gain MUCH thanks... trust me you will have more thanks then you could ever wont... no really you will get sick of the thanks after awhile! :thanks:


EDIT!!!!: Images of the armor are at the link as well.. please take a look.

Here's a one of the images.


Please Remember this armor comes in many colors and designs... there are a many chapters of space marines after all.

Personal fav for me is the Soul Drinkers.



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I just thought common sense would make them go to the link.... where all the pictures are... like every other Nexus mod page...

Well i guess i should have mentioned that :wallbash:

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No good that web page triggers my firefox to crash :wallbash:


+ the quality of the models is not as good as the ones i'm hoping for some one to convert... but thanks anyway..

PS: that video was sooooo stupid.

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Ok managed to get a look at the mod in my IE browser... and i have to say it is THE WORST attempt i have ever seen.. the helmet design is ALL wrong the size is way off the whole body design is total crap.... i would never even consider that space marine armor...


It would be.... well heretical!!!!


Sorry that mod is a no go.



But i thank you deeply for helping out anyway! :thanks:

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