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Flexibility and ability of the Oblivion construction set


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Hello esteemed forum folk,


I was searching online for a reputable Oblivion modding forum, and this was the first that I happened upon. So, my question to you people, or better put questions, are about the power and flexibility of the construction set. You see, I have grand planes for a mod that will require massive changes to the basic systems of the game, and I was wondering if they were at all possible. To give you some understanding of the kinds of changes I am talking about, I'll give you a brief outline of some of the things that I want to include in this game:


Multidimensionality: I realise that in the game multiple dimensions exist, yet, they exist in different places or planes. What I wish to incorporate into my mod is different dimensions laid over the original. Essentially, the idea is that the game takes place in the 3rd dimension, yet there also exist higher dimensions, and we are just unable to see them. So, my idea is to have buildings, mountains, trees, etc, placed "over the top" of the main map, but invisible to ones player character until they meet specific criteria, which enables them to see these superior dimensions.


Attributes: I'd also like to completely revamp the way attributes work in the game, and what they effect, is this possible?


Dungeons: I'd like to build dungeons a la Zelda; with puzzles and a final boss, preferably a large final boss, possible?


Spells: I'd like to really change the way spells work in the game. Tying in with the multidimensionality theme before, I'd like it to be that it is only possible to cast certain forms of spells in certain dimensions, so essentially limiting when it is possible to cast spells. Also, I'd like to create a telepathy-esque spell, which allow long distance communication, and is increased, depending on ones skill levels in that specific spell.


Astrological signs: I'd like to change the ingame Astrological signs, and actually have it so that during the month/what have you, of each sign, certain effects are produced that might effect characters stats, or certain spells, for example.


Spirits: I'd like to assign spirits to the trees, in game. So, a character with sufficient abilities can communicate with these spirits, learning spells and what have you.


Class removal: I'd like to remove the class system from the game, and incorporate a system of development based on "chakras", where you can develop these, and they effect a wide range of stats, including attributes, skill levels and the power of




Now, I appreciate that a fair chunk of this might seem ambitious to the point of foolishness, but all I need to know is if these things are possible. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond.

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Hello Aquafortis,


First, you will have to get through this in any case :

Construction set wiki


Here is what I can anwser :


Multidimensionality : You can have buildings floating in the air. I know some Home mods have added floating moutains. Others have added a village in huge trees way up in the air. Now, I don't know if you can forbid a certain player to not see it. Oblivion works with worldspaces (see wiki link).


Attributes : This is possible, to a certain extent. Check COBL (birthsigns and such section) and Race Balancing Project for inspiration. Google it.


Dungeons : yes, some mods already do this, don't remember which.


Spells : I do not know for this specific use, as I think no mods have ever did something like this. Check out Midas Magic Spells, and LAME for inspiration and to see if they do such things. LAME i am sure not as I use it. But Midas seems to add tons of features and magic contents.


Astrological signs : should be possible.


Spirits : interesting idea but I do not know if it is possible.


Class : now removing totaly the class system seems difficult. It is likely that you will have to adjust your system to the existing one. The main reason being compatibility issues and stability.



Remarks : this seems and interesting project, and quite ambitious. It will take you, I guess, a lot of time and work. The problem is, this mod being very original, you won't be able to benefit from experienced modders. Therefore you will be discovering alone unknow ressources in the modding of Oblivion. Therefore, that will take a lot of time, testing, etc. But I'm not experienced enough to state for sure.

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You welcome Aquafortis, hope I helped :thumbsup: . And thank you for the quote. I must admit I adore Nietzsche.



You are right, but I think what Aquafortis is trying to do here hasn't been done before. OOO is a huge mod, but not a huge alteration of Oblivion. It changes what existed and makes it better. In the case of Aquafortis, in a way, its like creating a new game with the Oblivion engine, rather then modding current Oblivion.

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You welcome Aquafortis, hope I helped :thumbsup: . And thank you for the quote. I must admit I adore Nietzsche.



You are right, but I think what Aquafortis is trying to do here hasn't been done before. OOO is a huge mod, but not a huge alteration of Oblivion. It changes what existed and makes it better. In the case of Aquafortis, in a way, its like creating a new game with the Oblivion engine, rather then modding current Oblivion.

true but you can alrer or change basically anything.All it takes is time,patience and determination.

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Hello again, thank you for you encouraging responses. I have thought of a couple more systems that I'd like to put in place, and was again wondering what your thoughts were as to the ability of the engine to make these things happen:


In game aging: I'd like it so that, when you create your character, you create a young character, and that as you progress through the game, you age even unto the point of death, because of old age.


Reincarnation: I'd like to put an ingame mechanic, where in, when one dies, instead of going ba

ck to the save screen, they are reborn as a child again, and must go through the process of developing themselves, etc (though how much they lose through death will be greatly affected by other in game stats, and just in case you might worry, this will not be a combat heavy mod, by any means)

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