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Weapon Mods Suggestions Please :)


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Hey, looking for some new stuff to play around with. Only a few points I'd like to make, these are preferable but not "must have":


1) No reliance on other mods. Unfortunately I see a lot of cool stuff that seems to require overhaul mods for them to work. Which is epic fail since the changes made in the mods are usually pretty big and not what I want.


2) No "God" weapons or anything else that's too overpowered. Powerful is fine, "win button" isn't :P


That's it really. I have all the DLC, so anything goes basically :)


( So far I have: Tsurugi, Weapon Mod Kits, 14mm Sig Pistol, functional grenade launcher and the COMM add on. )

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Grenade launcher would be nice! I'd like to see a sniper rifle that actually shoots long distance unlike the crappy one in the game already. Also, maybe a laser version of the sniper rifle if there isn't one already. I'd really like to see a mk19 like weapon somewhere. I don't really know where it would fit as it's not really a gun you can carry around. Unless maybe it required power armor to operate. Idk
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A harpoon-gun would be quite cool. And you could use the Missile Launcher animations, just have a 2-Handed Harpoon gun. It would be cool if it pinned limbs to the wall like the Railway Rifle.


It's a shame they cut the Pulse Rifle/Pistol and cut the Gauss Pistol from F3. Also, a 'chargeable' pistol would be awesome. Like the Dispersion Pistol from Unreal II, which was a weak but reliable sidearm who's ammo recharged.


Finally, in Fallout Tactics (I'm not sure if they were in 1/2) there was a weapon called the 'Zip-Gun', a homemade pistol. You could make it a custom-weapon, and if at all possible choose which caliber ammunition for it to use (e.g 10mm Zip-Gun or .32 Zip-Gun).

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