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Garbled Text Boxes


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I've run into a unique problem recently on FNV. After doing a fast travel, I'm ending up with all the text boxes of the NPC's being garbled; all the text within the box goes to a single unintelligible line. It doesn't happen if I stay in the same area I re-start the game at only after traveling,fast or otherwise; out of that given area. Once the garbled text happens I'm basically stuck, as the ESC key will not respond nor will any others. I have to ctrl,alt+del to close the game out. Once I restart, I have no save from where I should have been in the game and start back where I originally left from.....weird. Has anyone run into this problem before. Thought it had something to do with my archive invalidation, but according to FOMM and Wrye Bash all is in order.

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