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A little... Problem.


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Hi Nexus Users. I don't find the "Present Yourself" so... I will do it here.


My name is Damian, from Argentina, big fan of Fallout series. 21 Year old, a lot of music and all that things...


Well... I will go to the point:


I'm starting with G.E.C.K (I prefer to say: I'm a Noob with it...), and I tried something with the Chinese Stealth Armor, I just wanted to make another armor, but... With the same effect of it, You know... A "Winterized Combat Armor" but when you crunch, it make you invisible. Well... Everything looks pretty nice, but, when I unequip the "new" winterized combat armor, and I Crunch... My char went to invisible again.


No matter what armor I equip, it will make it invisible.


I already check everything in Object Effect, I've delete the "mod" I've made, but... It doesn't work at all, my char keeps going on stealth field...


Can you help me with that? =/

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