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strange flickering squares on wounds


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hi everyone,


after my character or an enemy gets wounded, i often see flickering lights coming out of the red areas. i've uploaded some images, so you can see what i mean. if i zoom closer, i can see many small white dots covering some areas of the wound. it seems to depend on the camera angle whether those dots "explode" into white, sometimes orange and blue squares or remain small dots. this gets very annoying when my character moves.


here are some pics:










well, i'm using the dD-More-Gore mod but even after unchecking it, nothing changes. here is my mod-list, maybe some of those are conflicting with each other or maybe i need to erase some files from the data folder. any help would be appreciated, because this constant flickering (especially on the character) is driving me insane.



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I have the same thing also!


I dont get it very often though, i am sure to get it tho if i have a blood decal on a shiny surface.


No clue what causes it. it could be specific to hardware for all I know.


I got a hd4850 with cat 9.7


Since it doesnt happen all that often i just ignored it and never really looked for a way to fix it.


But, if someone posts a fix then im all ears :D

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yeah, this is a good observation. shiny armor seems to be the main culprit here. it gave me an idea to turn off hdr, using bloom instead and it did the trick. quite a bargain for me, cause i'm used to those nice hdr-effects but still better than playing an armed disco ball. started some mayhem in the brotherhood to get injured and no flickering whatsoever. or maybe i simply wasn't wounded in the right spots respectivly with the right weapons. have to play a bit longer.


so if you can live without hdr, try bloom. if it works on your machine as well, then we found a small solution to a little problem. quite an achievement in this great but buggy game :biggrin:

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Well since you mentioned turning off hdr I decided I wanted to find a different way to solve the problem.

Hdr is really nice to have on And I would rather have hdr and no blood decals than no hdr


As i said earlier, i dont really get this problem much so its not a big issue for me. I want to encourage you and others to experiment with the blood decals and find the best solution. It takes some testing and i have lotsa other things i need to test. lol.


So I just used fomm bsa unpacker to find the 2 blood decal normal maps in textures\decals\ folder I dont know if you need to do just one of em or both of them. as i said you should do some testing.





I used gimp with dds plugin to open the file. select all and go to color>curves. select alpha channel in the dropdown and reduced that all the way until the blue became invisible. saved the file in data\textures\decals with dxt5 compression.


I used a certain armor I have with a very shiny metal button on it and put it on a npc. before it caused the square to appear. but after this there was no bright square even when the button was covered in blood decals.


If you test and maybe improve this fix then you might consider uploading it for others.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I would suggest removing impactdecalflesh01_n.dds and impactdecalflesh01.dds from the decals folder and see if that solves it.


i've tried your suggestion, but unfortunately it didn't help. after a shootout with some raiders, this flickering started again. i guess these files in the decals folder were created along with the blood mod i'm using. maybe it'll work if i try to remove all of them.

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