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The Darkwatch Chronicles Part 1: Vampyres


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Attention modders and mod-downloaders alike! I'm working on a new series of mods called "The Darkwatch Chronicles," and I'm here to announce it, as well as to ask for a bit of help in production. The four-part (or five-part; I can't decide) series features vampyres (not vampires, per se, but close), werewolves, and davians (an original breed of demons), each in their own mod, which cuminates in one (or two) rather gigantic mods that bring the questline to a close with a bang, and will hopefully be a hit for all you dark-themed-mod-lovers out there.


The series follows a new faction called the Darkwatch Coven, who are a group of vampyres, werewolves, davians, and mortals who believe the "Myths," as they are commonly called, should be able to come out of their respective coffins, cages, and chasms to openly intermingle with the mortal community. These "civilised monsters" are no longer a threat, according to the Darkwatch Coven, as they have abandoned their dark past of preying on humans and have moved forward in their evolution to obtaining sustenance from animals alone. Of course, this doesn't hold true for all Myths, and Darkwatch and non-Darkwatch Myths alike know this, so there is quite a bit of conflict among their ranks as to whether it really is time to show themselves, and if that time will ever even come.


The mod series is currently in the beginning stages of production, but it's coming along quite well so far. I don't know exactly how much work it will require before it is complete, but as of right now, I'm the only one working on it, so it may take a while. All four (or five) mods will be quite extensive, with a lot of new features, quests, and general immersion, but for the sake of my own sanity and motivation, the mods are being released separately. The first installation will (hopefully) be the easiest, as it deals with something that is already in-game: vampires.


The vampires of Vanilla Oblivion are separate entities from the Darkwatch vampyres, and this distinction plays a rather integral role in the mods. First of all, vanilla vampires are known to exist in Tamriel. The Count of Skingrad is a vamp, for the sake of the Nine. But vampyres are relatively unknown, as far as knowledge and lore goes. They are completely undocumented, other than within the vampyres' oral traditions themselves. And those who are vampyres usually go undetected by the public, even though they sometimes play major roles in society. They were created by accident through a strange string of events involving Daedra and necromancy, which the mod explains in depth, and therefore, aren't true vampires at all, but something altogether different and much more intricate.


As of right now, I have a lot of features in production. Here are the ones that I have already started:


Separate Vampirism System:
This was done for lore reasons and also to maximize compatibility. Both Darkwatch vampyres and vanilla vampires (or whatever you have that replaces them) are in the game and playable. You can only use one system at a time on any one vamp character, but you can go either way with it, and if you happen to be a vampire/vampyre slayer, you can hack away at both without discrimination. Due to scripting issues, both have a weakness to wooden weapons. I couldn't figure out how to script it only for DWC vamps, but I'm working on that.


Smooth Vamp Levels:
Vanilla vampires only have four levels of vampirism, and the levels themselves were quite unbalanced, which made being a vampire more of a burden than a desirable thing, as well as making it choppy for those who actually went through all four levels. Well, to fix that DWC features eleven levels of vampyrism (starting at level 0), and all of them are balanced and progress smoothly into the next level. Each level past level 0 provides at least one unique spell available only to vampyres.


Vampyre Age Levels:
As you play as a vampyre, you will gain experience that will progress you through the various vampyre age levels. As of right now, there are six (I can't decide whether to add more or not), starting at level 0, and each age level provides new or boosted strengths and new or boosted weaknesses (they're not exactly balanced, but that's the point), and unlocks new spells that are available at certain levels of vampyrism.


New Feeding Systems:
With DWC, vampyres can feed using four different methods: the traditional method of feeding on sleeping victims; feeding using blood vials, which only regress you one or two levels of vampyrism at a time (depending on the vial's size), and which are available in three types (mortal, animal, and divine; yes, divine blood *gasp*); a unique spell (which may or may not make it into the actual release, since it was basically replaced by the following method); and a completely new system called "Sneak Feed," which is activated by the simple press of a key. Sneak feeding works on any non-vampire, non-vampyre character, and also works on any non-undead (including zombies), non-atronach, non-giant creature, awake or asleep, who hasn't noticed you yet and whose strength is less than 10 more than yours. Sneak feeding happens in real time, so that you can decide how much blood you want to drain, and therefore what level of vampyrism you want to revert to. Right now, there is no animation to go along with it; it just makes both the player and the victim unconscious for the duration so neither of them can move, attack, or cast spells. But I'm hoping to make some new animations for this, one for sleeping victims and one for standing victims.


This is one of my favorite features. Using a rather simple script, vampyres have a chance of attacking unintentionally when they're thirsty. If they get too close to an NPC, the sneak feed feature may start spontaneously, overriding the need to sneak. The chance is determined by the level of the vampirism effect, so level 1 vamps have a 10% chance of attacking, whereas level 10 vamps will attack no matter what. Bloodlust
be controlled, though. If you have fed within the day, even just a little (this includes all forms of feeding, even with vials), or if you cast the "Suppress Bloodlust" spell learned at age 3, level 6, your chance of attacking goes down by 50% for 12 game hours. It won't lower any more than that, though, so level 10 vamps who have cast the spell or who have fed within the day still have a 50% chance of spontaneously attacking.


Numerous Vampyre NPCs:
I think that as a gamer, you should be completely immersed in the game. So why are vampires so hard to find? Well, it's not because there are only thirty of them in-game (which in vanilla Oblivion is true), but because they are secretive about their affliction. Most vampire mods only add a few vamp NPCs to the game, all of which are unnaturally intricate and unnecessarily obvious, but DWC places over 60 vampyre NPCs into the world of Tamriel, most of whom are relatively normal and simple, so that they blend in with the game. If you're familiar with a certain place, you might notice the new people who weren't there before, but more often than not, you'll have to do some investigation to find them out.


Dynamic Vampyre NPCs:
Like I said, you'll have to investigate to find out who is and who isn't a vampyre. This takes a bit of getting used to, but after a while, you'll be able to figure them out pretty easily. First of all, if a person has fangs, they are most likely a vampyre. Duh. But only a few of the numerous vamps added by this mod are that obvious. You might notice that there's this one lady in town who is only seen at night. Strange. But she doesn't have fangs, and her eyes are a perfectly normal brown. Then again, so are yours when you're at level 0. Her house is always locked, so you can't go investigating there. Maybe you'll just have to look a little harder. Well, here she comes now. How abouts we go into sneaky mode? Done. Now follow her. Where in the world is she going? To the inn? She has a house. Why would she need to go to the inn? Oh, that's why. She's buying some mead. Talking to the innkeeper like a good girl. But just as you get ready to give up, she stands back up and heads upstairs, chatting away with the innkeeper all the way. But the innkeeper is still downstairs. She's going up alone. What for? Well, you won't find out if you don't follow her. So you do. Is she picking that lock? She sure is. Now she's going inside. You follow her, completely invisible, and see her head over to the bed, where she bends down to take a bite out of the resident sleeper. You have found a vampyre. Now, not all vamps are like this. Just a few. Some others are a bit more obvious, while some others are a lot more secretive. It depends on the vampyre. But they are all dynamic, and live real lives just like everyone else in the game.


Realistic Sun Damage:
Okay, so every vampire mod out there does something with sun damage. Some throw it out completely, some make it worse, and some try to make it more realistic. I'm in that last group. I think that sun damage should be a variable thing. Sure, it's not as bad when it's raining, or if you're underwater or something. But that isn't enough for my taste. I'm making it real. First of all, you aren't affected by the sun at level 0. That's a given for the vast majority of vamp mods, so it's really nothing new. But when you get to level 1, it
start to affect you, and every level after that just makes it worse. There is hope, though. There are things you can do to decrease the damage you take when you're outside in the daylight. First, the more clothing you wear, the less damage you'll take. So if you run around naked at level 10, you'll take the full 10 points of sun damage, but if you wear something to cover up your head, you'll only take 9. Then if you wear something that covers your chest, it goes down to 8. Cover your legs, and you'll take 7. And so on and so forth. The less skin you have showing, the less damage you'll take. Needless to say, it's not perfect yet, but I'm working on it. The way I'm wanting to do it is to make each of the six clothing slots (hair, head, upper body, lower body, hand, and foot) lower sun damage by a certain percentage of the maximum, depending on the size of the body part (because covering your upper body would obviously be more effective than covering your feet). But as of yet, there isn’t a way to check if there’s
clothing or armor item in any one slot (only if there is a specific one), so you have to wear special vampyre clothes right now. Very unrealistic, but I'm still working on that. I also overhauled the sun damage shader. Pulsing red was boring and unrealistic. So now, when you take sun damage, you slowly but surely start to get sunburns, which get worse and worse as time goes on. When the shader reaches it full capacity, you look like you're covered in ashes, charred black and gray. When you get down to 15% of your maximum health, it gets worse. You burst into flames, and start taking fire damage along with the sun damage, and you'll die much faster. So being outside in the sun really isn't a very wise decision to be making, even if you are taking the proper precautions.


Balanced Abilities:
Thankfully, this is something a bit more common with all types of mods across the board. But I wanted to make it a bit more interesting. Vampyres are deadly stealth creatures. It's just in their nature. Strength and speed aren't such a big deal, but they're there, for protection. But magic isn't so abundant. In fact, vampyres are very mundane creatures. They may have been created by magic, but as far as using it themselves, they're nearly incapable. Low magicka pools, combined with stunted magicka, no spell absorption, and a 25% weakness to magic of all kinds, spellcasting is often a last resort effort. The only ways that vampyres can restore their magic is to: revert back to level 0, where their magicka is no longer stunted; drink potions that restore magicka; cast one of their greater powers that damages health in exchange for restored magicka; or sneak feed, which restores magicka along with health. This was done to complicate things for the vampyre player, because much of the game revolves around the displays of certain magics, and many NPCs are quick to use it, which can be fatal to a vampyre if they're exposed to it for too long. So along with all of the amazing abilities gained by being a vampyre, there are also a few major weaknesses. Balance. Sweet balance.


Unique Powers:
Now there are tons of vamp mods out there that give vampires new, fun powers, and most don't require much to be done on the player's part to recieve. Just don't feed for a few days, and poof! all of sudden, you'll get them. Not so much here. I did make it to where you get certain powers at certain levels, but the good ones don't come about until you've gained a few vampyre age levels. You have to work for them. There are some pretty cool powers, though, like Lullaby, which adds a chance to lull someone to sleep so you can feed on them using either traditional sleep feeding or the new sneak feeding system, and Daedric Form, with which you can shapeshift into a Spider Daedra to fight or cast powerful Daedric spells. There are a lot of spells for you to use, but many of them require magicka, which vampyres have to hoard, so you will have to choose wisely which ones to cast and when to cast them.


Embracing Capabilities:
One of my favorite mods from Morrowind was Vampire Embrace by Cortex. It gave the vampiric player the ability to turn any NPC in the game into a vampire, and those vampires would then be companions to the player, serving them until death. Well, mine isn't quite so intricate yet. So far, all you can do is make anyone a vampyre. It's very complicated to do, as it requires you to be a level 10 vampyre with over 100 health and a spell scroll called "Holy," at least 100 of those health points somehow drained or damaged, and a victim with a strength level less than ten more than yours and who also has over 100 health, no bounty on their head,
a disposition toward you of at least sixty.
, when you sneak feed on them, you have to drain 100 points of health before transformation will even be an option. When you have, though, you will receive a message telling you that the victim is still bleeding, so you have to act fast if you want to turn them. Then you have to cast the Holy spell, which will appear to kill them. But after a while, the character will rise a level 1 vampyre, just like you did. Thus far, they don't do anything special, like follow you around or feed on other NPCs or anything, but they become vampyres.


Now, alongside all of the features that I've already instituted, there all also some that haven't made it in yet. I'm getting there, though. The whole point of the series is the quests, so that's the biggest thing. Here's what I have in mind right now as far as questing goes:


The Darkwatch Coven:
The Darkwatch Coven is the most important part of these mods, and that's why they have the same name. The Darkwatch Coven is comprised of both mortals and vampyres, so if you like the idea of the questline, but don't necessarily want to play a vampyre can still play along as a mortal member of the Darkwatch Coven. In the next two installations of the series, werewolves and davians will be added, too, but I still have to figure out why they weren't there to start off with, so things will flow more smoothly as far as the questline goes. But right now, it's just the vamps and the mortals, and they have to try to convince the rest of the hidden world of vampyres that they need to rise above their murderous past and become a new monster (not in those words, exactly, but you get the point). The quests, as I think they should go, should be something like this:

---- First, you have to become a member. I think the best way for this to happen for the vampyres is after you've been in an established vampyre colony for a while, the few members of the brand new Coven happen to come to your colony to recruit more members. Of course, there will be those within your colony who will disagree with their utopian ideas, and realistically, they will shun you if you happen to join in. But that will just have to happen, unless you happen to disagree as well, at which point you can take a different route. For mortals, though, it will probably be a lot harder to become a member. If we have vampyres walking around in mortal cities talking about how they can get along with mortals, they're likely to get attacked, if not by the mortals, then by the Consortium, for reasons you'll read about in a minute. So I'm still trying to figure that part out.

---- Then, once you're a member, you'll have more missions where you'll have to recruit more members. This is dangerous, though, since a lot of vampyres will probably attack you just for saying they should stop feeding from humans and feed from animals instead. Of course, as a mortal, the recruiting will be even more dangerous, since the vast majority of vampyres will want to eat you. But recruiting has to happen for you to be successful.

---- Along with these recruiting missions, you will also have to fight off attacks from the Consortium
from various slayer factions, even if you're mortal. Yes, slayers will attack mortal members of the Coven, for the simple fact that they've seen you with vampyres and therefore believe you to be one yourself. Depending on the slayer, you may, as a mortal, be able to convince them to join you. Difficult, maybe, but with enough calm spells, it might work.

---- I'm not sure what else to do with the Darkwatch Coven. I want them to eventually petition the Consortium for the right to come out to the mortal world, but that will have to wait until the fourth mod. So for now, recruiting will be the vast majority of what they do.


The Consortium:
The Consortium will be the Darkwatch Coven's greatest enemy in this mod. They are very old-fashioned vamps (in fact, the leader is the first vampyre ever) who feed primarily from mortals, and they don't take very kindly to the mortal world knowing about them. The biggest thing in vampyre society is secrecy, because when the truth is known about the monstrous vampyre, there isn't anything left to protect them from the wrath of the public. Secrecy is protection, and so, must be defended at all times. But this new coven of vampyres is risking the secret, and that can't be tolerated, so they have to be stopped at all costs. The quests go something like this:

---- First, you have to join. This is really difficult. In order to get in, you have to be a vampyre with an age level of at least three (remember, they start at age level 0), and have a base (before the vampyre boosts) sneak skill of 50, a base security skill of 50, and a base marksman skill of 50. Then, you will have to endure the initiation, which is a difficult test of your skills and your vampyric abilities.

---- Next, you'll start getting missions to find specific vampyres who are in danger of risking "the secret," and deal with them, whether that be by convincing them to stop or killing them if they refuse. This is the basis of the Consortium's operations, because they are essentially a governing coven. They also have to uphold the other vampyre "laws," like stopping vampyres who are killing too many people in one area by overfeeding in the town in which they live.

---- Then, the questline comes into contact with the Darkwatch Coven. Big issue. Really big. They are going against everything that you, as a Consortium member, stand for. Not cool. So you have to figure out a way to deal with them. You can't just kill them all. There's quite a few of them out there, and you can't have a war on your hands. The mortals would be sure to know you're there if that happens. So deal with it as quietly as possible, and hope for the best.

---- I don't know what will happen with this. The Consortium can't go away. It's pretty much the heart of the conflict, so it has to make it through to the fourth mod. Can't kill them off. I need some kind of idea about what to do with this.


The Crimson Militia:
This is technically a branch of the Consortium, but operates separately. To be a member of the Crimson Militia, you have to first be a member of the Consortium, but if you're a member of the Consortium, you're not necessarily a member of the Crimson Militia. They take certain orders from the leader of the Consortium, but others are decided on in-house. The Crimson Militia is the sword arm of the Consortium, packed with deadly assassins who take on any opposition head-on. They are a slayer's worst nightmare, and are proud of that honor. They have been around for ages, and have been feared for ages by vampyres and vamp slayers alike.

---- To become a member, you have to prove yourself worthy to the leader of the Consortium himself, through a series of difficult missions that involve killing both rogue vampyres and strong vampyre slayers. The quests are made to be very difficult. That's the point. You may live through it and you may not. And if you fail, but live, you'll be demoted in the Consortium, if you
be demoted. Otherwise, you'll be suspended until you can finish the job.

---- Once you are an official member, you'll be given a new set of armor that will make the next mission rather easy in comparison to the trial missions. The next mission will require you to take out a member of the Mage's Guild who has found evidence of vampyre activity. The mission isn't given to members of the Consortium alone because the mage is one who is especially powerful, and her magic would kill a normal vampyre without even trying that hard.

---- Other missions are similar, but range from killing other powerful vampyres to fighting slayers and even more mages. They will increase in difficulty as you rise through the ranks, as you would expect, and make being a member of the Consortium worth the effort.

---- The Crimson Militia will also be going up against the Darkwatch Coven, but I'm not sure to what extent, and I don't have any missions planned out for that.

---- Another thing I'm thinking about is making a series of missions to take out a lot of the slayer factions, so that they can focus on the Darkwatch Coven, but I haven't gotten into much of the planning for that.


Vampyre Colonies:
There are a few colonies of vampyres out there, all living in secret, away from the mortal world. Some live underground in caves, while others hide out in ghost towns, and still others live in abandoned castles. The places aren't half as unique as the people who inhabit them, though. These vampyre colonies are fully functioning communities, with shops, inns, and even leaders. You can work your way up in one of these societies, gaining respect and admiration from the other members, just like a faction (because they actually are). The colonies work similar to the way the clans in Morrowind did, but are more like a family than a guild. All towns provide at least on vendor who sells blood vials and other useful vampyre items, and some have a willing thrall or two, while others raise animals for blood. Despite the fact there there is more than one colony, you can only belong to one, so choose wisely. There will be quests that go along with the colonies, but they will mostly be like vanilla Oblivion's miscellaneous quests, just with a bit of vampyric flavor to them. I don't have any ideas for what they'd be yet, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.


Vampyre Slayers:
No vampire mod is complete without vamp slayers! Okay, so there are quite a few vampire mods out there without them that are just fine, but they'd be better if they had slayers, so yeah. This is one of my favorite features (along with bloodlust), because it is completely immersive to people who don't even like vampyres. So you want to be mortal? Cool. Go right ahead and be mortal. But you know that you want the chance to take out some immortals while you're at it. And even if you are a vampyre, slayers still play an integral role in the questline. They'll attack you a lot, especially if you make your presence known. If you talk to too many people when your vamp level is too high for you to talk to them ("You won't get any of MY blood!"), or if someone sees you feeding on a mortal, a slayer will start hunting you down, and will eventually attack, once they find you. The height of threat that you pose determines the strength of the slayer, so if you are absolutely notorious, you'll get attacked by a strong slayer (and probably a strong Crimson Militant, too), whereas if you don't seem all too dangerous, you'll get a weaker attacker. There are five minor factions of vampyre slayers, each of which is composed of people with different drives for killing vamps, and one major one called the Watchtower that has people of all five drives. I'll explain the Watchtower in the next paragraph, so this one is just for slayers in general. The five minor factions are driven by either religion (the desire to defeat the damned), philosophy (the desire to protect the mortal world), knowledge (the desire to know more about the enemy), mysticism (the desire to delve into the realm of mythology in order to preserve the realm of reality), or revenge (the desire to destroy the destroyers). The quests are something like this:

---- To join one of the factions, you must first kill a vampyre or a vampire (they're the same to slayers). Once you've done that, a slayer will start looking for you, having heard about your accomplishment. When he (or she) finds you, he'll (or she'll) question you about what you know about vamps, and you'll have to answer her questions. No matter what you know or don't know, you'll still become a member. They'll teach you what you need to know. The questions are just to determine how much you'll have to learn. Then the slayer will ask you why you killed the vampyre, and you can answer with one of the five drives or with "Because he attacked me!" Whichever drive you pick determines which minor faction you are assigned to (the self-defense answer will randomly pick one for you), and you'll get missions from them.

---- The faction missions are basically like a vampyre slayer's version of the Dark Brotherhood quests. You're given a contract, and you're assigned to carry out that contract. Some will provide bonuses if you do them exactly right, but others just want the vamp dead. Missions include both vampyres and vampires, because the slayers can't tell the difference, and so, just assume them to be the same thing.

---- As a vampyre slayer, you'll be given some useful things to help you kill vamps, like wooden weapons that harm vampyres and vampires both equally, sunlight spells that can burn a vamp just like real sunlight, and magical training to hone your spellcasting skills (vampyres are very weak to magic). You'll also get a unique set of armor that has no enchantments at all whatsoever on it, but has a ton of enchantment potential, so you can enchant it with what you want.


The Watchtower:
The Watchtower is a faction of elite slayers who are so good at what they do that they aren't even called slayers anymore. They're called Watchers, with a capital W, and they are very, very good at killing vamps. They are very aware of what is going on in the vampyre world, and know more than the minor factions do about vampyres and vampires alike. They even know the differences between the two, and are quite alert to the Darkwatch Coven's campaigns. They disagree with them, of course, but see them as more civilised than the rest of vampyre society, simply because they don't feed on humans. Naturally, this doesn't stop all of them from attacking the members of the Darkwatch Coven, but it does make some of them more reluctant, especially the ones driven by philosophy (they don't need to protect the mortal world from something that won't attack them anyway).

---- There will be occasional contracts to take out vamps, but most of the time, you'll have to find the vamps for yourself. Close investigation into the nighttime habits of the townsfolk will eventually lead you to a vampyre, and then you can take the rest into your own hands. You can't get any higher than a Watcher, so you're just killing off vamps for the simple pleasure of killing off vamps.

---- The Watchtower is the only faction other than the Darkwatch Coven whose quest line continues through all four (or five) mods, so you won't have to stop at just vamps. Eventually, you'll have werewolves and davians to deal with as well. The adventure continues!


Right now, though, all I've got is a really big vampire overhaul, and we all know there are enough of those to go around. I'm half-tempted to release what I've got just as a teaser for what's to come, but I don't know. If ya'll can convince me, I might. But before I can do that, I still have to finish what I've started. But I need a little help for that. And that's where ya'll come in. This forum is one of the most reliable when it comes to helping out a fellow modder, and your ideas are among the best I've seen. So I'm here to ask for that much needed help and those awesome ideas. Here's what I need:


Scripting Help:
I'm having a bit of trouble making the NPC vamps as dynamic as I'd like them to be. Right now, everything is scripted within an ability, so that when you happen to transform an NPC into a vamp, they will be able to use the script without removing any scripts that might already be on them. But that makes the scripts local, and therefore, they only work when the player is in the same cell. But I can't add globals for all of them; there's literally hundreds of NPC vampyres. All I can think of is that I could create a gigantic global script that controls any actor with the vampyre ability in their spell list. But I don't want to go through all of the trouble to script it just to find out it doesn't work, so my question is this:
Would a global script that controls all NPC vamps work to make them dynamic when the player isn't present?


Help With Animations:
I am wanting to add new animations that work with the sneak feeding feature, new ones that play for the duration of the feeding and then stop when you're done (four for sleeping victims--right side of a bed, left side of a bed, side of a bedroll, and front of a bedroll--and one for standing victims), but I don't know how to animate. I have all the software to do it, and I have the tutorial information, but I don't know if you have to have a special skeleton to do it with. So question number two is this:
Do I need a special skeleton to make animations, or would my own work?


More Quest Ideas:
I have a lot of ideas, but I don't have a full quest line for any of the factions yet. If you have any cool suggestions, I'd be more than happy to credit you for them. What I'm looking for as far as an outline is written in the paragraphs detailing the factions themselves. So question three is:
Do you guys have any good quest ideas?


So far, that's all I need. I want to use voice acting eventually, but I'm not that far yet. I don't even have written dialogue. And as far as features go, I think I'm set. I know there could be more, but I'm not interested in adding many more, unless you guys request it. Know, though, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'll use every request. Only if I think it would blend in well with the mod. I have a lot of the background story written out already, and I like it the way it is, so I'll only use features that fit with the lore I've made up, unless changing the lore to fit wouldn't take much work. Thanks in advance.


---- Xander

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That's too bad. From what I've heard about your work, it's pretty good. I'd check it out myself, but I've barred myself from downloading anything until I get this mod completed. lol. I'd get immersed and forget I'm supposed to be modding. But everything's coming along rather smoothly as of right now, except for a few scripting issues (bleh), so yeah. I can't say it's coming along quickly, but at least it's coming along, right?
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