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Remove All Items console command/spell in AOE?


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This is likely a VERY simple request so I'm hoping someone can help me out.


There is a console command "removeallitems" which does exactly what it says it does. I have been spawning large numbers of NPCs in various locations and removing their inventories (I'm a loser, I know, laugh if you must).


But for some reason when I fast travel somewhere else and come back, their default armor/clothing has returned. This didn't used to happen, so I am in the process of thinning through my mods to see what might be causing it. In the meantime, is there any way to make a console command (or spell, whichever) that removes all the items of all the NPCs in an area?


I know there is a "killall" command, so I imagined it would be quite simple for a modder to make a "removeallitemsall" command or something of the like.


Thanks in advance.

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