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Removing Mod Quest Items from Inventory


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It's been frustrating having quest items stuck in my inventory after completing quests. The Cobl book in my inventory just clued me in to the ultimate help, but it takes a little work. All items have a unique formID number. If it's a Bethesda creation you can use the console and do one of two things, either do a Player.RemoveItem or SetQuestObject <formID#> 0 This doesn't work for quest items that come form player made mods.


As I learned from the Cobl book, items that are unique to a mod have a slightly different formID number and you can't just look it up in the Construction Set. To delete these items you will need a tool like Wrye Bash or BOSS that lists your mod load order. The load order determines the first two digits of the formID number. Here's a simple example of what I did for a mod:


  1. Step 1: open mod in construction set to find formID of item I want to remove (formID = 0102489F)
  2. Step 2: open Wrye Bash and see that this mod is #13 in the load order of active files - note load order is in hexadecimal (load order #13 = 0D) - Wrye Bash gives the hexadecimal number for the load order. If you use BOSS, you will have to manually count down the list of active files and then convert that number to hexadecimal (note Oblivion.esm is 0).
  3. Step 3: new formID # for the item to remove is = 0D02489F note the first two digits were changed. If the load order number had been 110, the new formID# would have been the hexadecimal for 110 = 6E02489F
  4. Step 4: go into the game and enter one of the following console commands
    1. Player.RemoveItem 0D02489F 1
    2. SetQuestObject 0D02489F 0 this turns off the quest tag so you can sell or drop the item

I'm using the GOTY Edition. I'm guessing Steam or D2D would work the same. I'm only familiar with BOSS and Wrye Bash.

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As you can probably tell from my previous post, I know just enough to be dangerous. I'm far from being an expert. I looked at your suggested link and I can definitely see it being helpful. It'll take me a bit to digest it, but I think I understand how it works. Thanks for the suggestion.

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