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Help with changing weapon textures


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now, i just found out how to make textures (finally :sweat: ) but! i am having troubles adding my texture to a weapon ( at this case, its the 10mm pistol) and yes i have watched videos on youtube but theres only like... 1 vid i can actually understand (and have watched :pinch: ) and i find nothing on the geck home page, so. i turn to my last line of defence against never being able to add textures. please help.
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now, i just found out how to make textures (finally :sweat: ) but! i am having troubles adding my texture to a weapon ( at this case, its the 10mm pistol) and yes i have watched videos on youtube but theres only like... 1 vid i can actually understand (and have watched :pinch: ) and i find nothing on the geck home page, so. i turn to my last line of defence against never being able to add textures. please help.

what is it exactly that you want to know about the adding.. you made them dds files? and put them in a texture map in your data map? then it shouldn't be a big problem to make one for the game.

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Get your Texture:

Unpack a BSA File (With BSA Unpacker or FOMM) and look for the texture u want to edit.

Export it.

Edit ur Texture:

With gimp or photoshop and save as .dds (you will need a plugin for gimp)

Then u have to have to place the texture with the exact same name and same folder structure, so when u want to edit the 10mmPistol texture save your texture under

Fallout root folder/data/textures/weapons/1handpistol/10mmPistol.dds

Now get archive invalidation invalidated and change the archive invalidation value in your fallout.ini

Go ingame and take out the 10mmpistol and: voilá here it is....



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