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Companions scared?


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Hello everyone.


So I have this problem, and no searches have given me results. Absolutley none.


It is quite frustrating since none of my companions.... Fight.


This is recent, very recent.


They would fight, and fight, and fight. I have installed absolutely no mods prior to them becoming scared. Which means they were fine with any current mods I have.


No mods have been updated.


So, here is the issue.


They will not under any circumstance fight, not against a simple NPC that can die from one shot, or even a Rad Roach. They run from a Rad Roach.... :verymad: :closedeyes:


This just happened for no apparent reason. They would fight fine before then all of a sudden they're scared of any conflict.


This has happened so far with Jericho, Charon, and Clover... All other NPC companions with the exception of Fawkes do this.


Is there a solution, and has anyone ever had, or at the moment have this problem?

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I apologize for double posting, but I found a solution.


I don't know if it's only temporary, but I know this worked for me.


I was able to get all the human followers to be capable of fighting again by opening the command console.


Typing kill with say for example Jericho selected.


But don't exit out of the command console. Then type in resurrect.


Then Jericho, Charon, and every other companion I did this to started fighting again.


So I am happy.


Thank you for your help.

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