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Silhouetted hoods. Weeeeiiiird.


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A new day, a new hood added to the game.

'Cept, this time it does sommat special. When you look at it on the equip screen, you see... nothing. Yeah. It appears as a black silhouette behind the character's head. The character is now missing her hair too, but that's easily explained; like a good helmet, it sits in the hair slot. But it doesn't appear on the character portrait.


It appears just fine in the game world, no hassles there whatsoever. But I am utterly perplexed. Any help?

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It's a mod I made myself.

Though... now that you mention it, it could be. I might screw around with the normals.


I know the mod isn't reliant on any other mods - I built it that way purposely. Tell you what, I'll go try the normal thingy. That might be it.


EDIT: Haaaaaahahaha, wow I'm stupid. You have my thanks, Nexus Set. It worked a charm.

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