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Weapons, Factions, Ammo Revised..


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Not to shabby at all. I will consider it thank you. I don't get much time during the week to do things so ill get back to you during the weekend and we can discuss the details.
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  • 1 month later...

*Update Bump*


If the gun has a rail/mounting system of any kind you'll be able to slap one of these on it. Do you think this is to much variety?



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that's rather a lot of scopes you've got there :ohmy:


I'm sure some people will like the shear volume of choise, personally speaking it's way too much.

However I prefur a more limited range of weapons and a more give and take system of ballance, so I'm probably not the best person to comment on it.

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Well you wont be able to find these everywhere, they will be here and there you might get lucky and find one laying around on a bench or a table but otherwise it will be completely random on enemies. If your lucky you might find one on a raiders weapon but most of the better ones will be on higher level enemies or you might find one on a someone you normally wouldn't kill but how greedy are you? It will also give you something to use your money for they will be slightly rare but sometimes vendors might have them as well. I like variety and customization options each sight will give you something different not just aesthetically but tactically as well. As well as each sight being upgradeable with smaller things like glare reduction etc. With how many weapons and weapon customization options there are to choose from hopefully repetition will be almost null and void, but to each his own thanks for the C & C =].
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  • 1 month later...
**Update** Organized finished weapons and added a couple more on the board...As well as updated screens.
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  • 4 weeks later...

New Screenies Update 7/12/10****


Some of these you may recognize from a couple of my released mods...The AS, SR3, and VSS have All have 10, 20, and 30 Round Magazines Which are interchangeable. All sights are interchangeable with all guns in screenshots.


Boina Verde SpecOps Knife Black and Tan




AS "Val" w/1P29 Optical Sight and 20 Round Mag



SR3 "Vikhr" w/30 Round Mag



SR3M "Vikhr" w/Kobra Reflex Sight and 30 Round Mag





VSS "Vintorez" w/PSO-1 Optical Sight and 20 Round Mag



VSK-94 "For those of you wondering...yes it is :whistling: "



All 4 9x39mm sexys in Blender The VSK in this picture is an older unmodified version. I did some tweaks to the newer version to make it more like the real thing...


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