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Adding Spells to a new Merchant


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Been making a playable Necromonger race (ala Riddick) and I've been trying to get make a merchant to sell custom spells tailored for that race. Now, I have the merchant all set up, but how to I make the merchant sell spells?
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If you want to do that to a custom class, remove the autocalc and you'll be able to turn on the flag/checkbox when pressing the AI button. When that flag is set, the spells in his spell list can be bought. Still.. you need to add a package. (Either Rclick and create a new one, or drag and drop an existing one from the packages at Character->Packages... and be sure to have the 'Offer services' flag.)
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The remove autocalc is for if you hit a snag. You may not hit that snag and may not have to worry about it.


Put your new spell in the SpellList of spells your NPC can cast.


Select the character, and bring up the editing box. Select AI. Check the "Spells" box under Buys / Sells.


Under Character\Packages, you can find the AI Packages. I suggest you use aaaServicesEditorLoc8x12 unless you have a different plan for your NPC, then you could customize a new AI Package.


If you use one of these standard aaa* packages, "Offers Services" will already be checked.

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