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Invetory STACKS!


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Its incredebile that since the game came out NOBODY request this !... i mean doing a mod that allow you to have STACKS in your invetory would save you a lot of trouble in the game like the ever present problem of an invetory that is ALWAYS full...... -_- seriously how hard can it be?? like just for skins and leafs to stack them like 5-10 per slot would be very helpfull not a huge amount and you still have to craft more loot sack capacity etc etc that would really help a lot and decrease the amount of frustration that a lot of people suffer trough i think.... and for those of you that are satisfied by the vanilla inventory systeme good for you but dont bother to reply to this post please it is not target at you. in real life you would not put your leafs in a backpack different one on each side of the other you would put some togeter and ties them with a string... make it a round number at .... 6 or 12?? and for the skins well.... 2-4? that would be reasonable right??


i would do ti but i dont know how to make mods and im not good at programing and stuff..... heuuff... if only i could


oh oh oh and if you could make it compatible with Ziggy's mod compilation that would be """SUPER AWSOME"""

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  • 11 months later...

Its incredebile that since the game came out NOBODY request this !... i mean doing a mod that allow you to have STACKS in your invetory would save you a lot of trouble in the game like the ever present problem of an invetory that is ALWAYS full...... -_- seriously how hard can it be?? like just for skins and leafs to stack them like 5-10 per slot would be very helpfull not a huge amount and you still have to craft more loot sack capacity etc etc that would really help a lot and decrease the amount of frustration that a lot of people suffer trough i think.... and for those of you that are satisfied by the vanilla inventory systeme good for you but dont bother to reply to this post please it is not target at you. in real life you would not put your leafs in a backpack different one on each side of the other you would put some togeter and ties them with a string... make it a round number at .... 6 or 12?? and for the skins well.... 2-4? that would be reasonable right??


i would do ti but i dont know how to make mods and im not good at programing and stuff..... heuuff... if only i could


oh oh oh and if you could make it compatible with Ziggy's mod compilation that would be """SUPER AWSOME"""

Add to that the option of when you're at the gun shop or at a camp room "shop" the option to sell whatever you want in one hit as apposed to manually clicking twice on each item in your inventory to "sell" it - which is both time consuming & annoying.


Ideally when you first click the $ sign to "sell" your stuff, perhaps a fall down list can be put onscreen showing you a exactly what & how many of each item is in your inventory - you scroll the list tick how many of each item you'd like to "sell" & hit enter, that's it done. Or if you wish to "sell" everything [bar the required crafting items needed of course] you only need to tick one box "sell the lot", in one go - done, easy as that.


This would be perfect.



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