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the F03MasterUpdate.exe


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what is this F03MasterUpdate.exe people speak of? i know its needed for some patch 1.6 .17 stuff but it doesnt seem to exist At least wheneveri look it doesnt exist. could someone explain Shorlt what it does and where it is or even how to find it =p ( typing Masteupd on the nexus reveals 0 hits and its just short for masterupdate Hehee
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F03MasterUpdate was used to fix errors with the 1.5 patch


if you have 1.6 or 1.7 you dont need it


if you wish to try it out you need to download Falloutedit


here >>> http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637


then all you need to do is make a copy of the application.exe (put it on your desktop or something for now )


and rename it to ( FO3MasterUpdate ) also if you dont like it make a second copy of the file and rename to


( FO3MasterRestore ) this will put it back to normal :)

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F03MasterUpdate was used to fix errors with the 1.5 patch


if you have 1.6 or 1.7 you dont need it


That's open to debate - still a few bugs in 1.6 and 1.7 that MasterUpdate fixes (the weird body glitch springs to mind...). Personally, I've found F3 crashes a LOT less with 1.7 if you run MasterUpdate with it.


You do need to run it more than once, however - any time you install new mods (or at least, any that use esp's). Always good to remember that.

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im still getting used to FOMM and all this new stuff Heh Now if i can fix(figure out) up my load order then run the Masterupdate then i hope im free of random crashes when i try to save my game =p


Oh, you'll get random crashes no matter what, I'm afraid - just part of the BethSoft experience. But at least we can minimise them. Unfortunately, Beth has a nasty habit of trying to fix things, and breaking something else in the process. :whoops:

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FO3Edit is a must-have, even for non-modders, as it is invaluable for resolving conflicts between mods. Search for Miax's FO3Edit guiide ... you'll be a FO3Edit pro in no time!
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The light bulb came on after posting this. There's no need to copy the exe file and rename it to FO3MasterRestore.exe ... just create a shortcut to FO3Edit.exe and in the shortcut properties add the switch -masterupdate after the executable path/appname. For Master Restore, add the switch -masterrestore to the shortcut path/appname. So essentially you have one exe, but 3 shortcuts to it (one with no switch and two with switches).


The post about running FO3Edit when installing new mods is dead-on. You'll want to do the Restore/Update procedure after running FO3Edit set to detect conflicts (get Miax's great guide to show you how).


Hope this helps.

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