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Who's the greater ass? Hitler or Kim Jong-il


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It's a little out of place.. wondering who has the greatest ass... but i'd have to say halle berry. :yes: . ppl are going nuts over this kardashian chick but you have to have a certain class to carry around a nice ass...hmm.. anyways that's what i was thinking...i mean if my choices were between kim jong and hitler.. hmmm?....i don't know what got you thinking about it but i guess i'd go with kim jong..he kinda looks like a little tanned twinky doesn't he?...? :blink: ....*cough*!..ahem.....oh.. look at that.."who IS the greater ass"....aha.....heh....i....uh.. .. :wallbash: ...forget i said anything.... ;)
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  • 1 year later...

To those that say Hitler is evil:


yes, but Stalin killed 27 million people. MUCH more than Hitler. Yes, Hitler was evil, but he was the only one to rebuild Germany. Come on, as if the Weimar Republic would EVER get off it's feet and say "Let's rebuild germany!" "Huzzah!"


Of course, if you're going to argue he was evil, I propose this:


Didn't Poland join the Austro-Hungarian empire in WW1, thus making it an imperialist evil power? think about that for a moment before you argue.

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