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mods update


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Even if this were to implemented I doubt I'd use it. Just because there is a new version of a mod doesn't mean you want to use it. There are many mods that make changes but reduce stability.


In the end you're better off experimenting yourself and seeing what works and what doesn't with your "core" mods. Trial and error. Nature of the beast.

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I'm gonna have to say "No" to this.


Why? Three words: World of Warcraft.


For those of you who don't know, World of Warcraft allows the players to make and dsitribute user interface mods in the LUA scripting language and XML. One particular website, [Blocked URL: Spamming mod authors with advertising links], offers a program that will allow you to download and keep your mods up to date. The only problem is that if you have a whole lot of users trying to update that one huge mod...


The Nexus admins would have to charge money to defray the cost of bandwidth usage. [Blocked URL: Spamming mod authors with advertising links] does that as well to allow automatic mod updating. Without the payment, you can still download and update mods, but you have to update each individual mod on its own.


So, when you suggest this, ask yourself one question: Am I willing to pay a nominal monthly fee to defray the cost of the mods I just downloaded?

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