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continuing after the main storyline


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seems that i've been too fast in completing fallout. after the ambush in vault 82, i had little choice but to fight my way through the very end, leaving many many places undiscovered and, i guess, many quests unsolved. with broken steel, i find myself again in the wasteland and it seems that everything is still where it's supposed to be. my question is, can i continue playing without running into some now inaccessable places/quests or should i load an older savegame, entering vault 82 after i'm done with everything first. i'm not sure which effects and/or changes broken steel may have on the original fallout missions and events :confused:
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Keep playing as you are. You should still be able to get most (if not All) of the secondary and Unnamed quests. I'm on my second play through and I'm not even bothering with the main quest for awhile. However, having the level already kicked up to 30 (Broken Steel loaded) and slowing down my leveling with a mod has made the game a lot more fun too, so it's your call as to how you want to proceed.
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You'll find pretty much nothing changes once you start Broken Steel, except for a few added encounters. I finished the main quest, and did most of the side quests afterward before going off and finishing the BS quest line, and didn't come across any problems or missing stuff - so you should be perfectly fine either way. BS should only add more stuff, not take anything away...in theory, anyway.
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You will notice you'll see more advanced weapons once you ramp up. I've not gone through BS this time around (yet) and I'm only at level 15, but alread there are some heavier weapons showing up and my follower Brianna swiped a Gatlin Laser and is chewing up Mutants with it :biggrin:
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