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RP lay on ground mod request.


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Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone had the time they could make a mod that lets you lay on the ground. Mostly i had the idea in a roleplaying scenario, many times i wish i could just lay on the ground instead of my character standing there and me just saying i fell over. Plus though this does not matter, sometimes i like to pretend to be a hobo...


Anyways that okwardness behind, i know that there can be more to this as well, such as maybe even sitting anywhere or other decisions by the author of the mod. though i do know that will probably be harder to script. I myself would make this mod but i have not the time nor the ability to download the neccisary programs for making the mod.


I see it as simple as finding models for any bed and a sleeping bag (for those who wish to lie with their face twoards the ground) I then would find the animations that would be used for sleeping and set them to a tool, where primary click would activate the normal sleeping animation and second click would activate the sleeping bag sleeping animation anywhere on the ground. I know this isn't the full indepth description of what to do, it is just what i am guessing i could use if i were to make the mod myself, though i will leave it to the professionals :wink:


If someone were to make this mod i would be very appreciative of it, I know many others would like to use it as well such as in roleplaying elements or maybe even using it for something else.

If anyone is willing to make this mod please let me know if you are going to work on it.


I thank you for your time, sincerely blaine.

Edited by blaine871
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