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Player Store, Property Rental and Real Banks - Skyrim Economy.


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Hey guys, I've been messing with the CK on and off for a while and in honesty, I'm just not very good with it lol. I wanted to ask some experienced modders just how big a task I'm setting myself with something like this.

The idea came from Oblivion's Trade and Commerce, there's a couple of similar mods but with nowhere near the same level of detail for Skyrim. Just envision your own store actually doing trade, your collection of unusable/unsellable gear would finally have a purpose. It would also be good if random NPC's generated your 'bought' gear but no idea if that's even possible.

A banking mod exists already (Bank of Skyrim) which could easily be incorporated with permission into 'real' banks being located in all major cities with NPC's and clerks etc, security and vaults, heists, or the option to become a banker and rise to the 1% of Skyrim's elite lol.

Finally the Property Rental would be something completely new, it always annoyed me that I became a property mogul but never saw a single septum while my Housecarls live in relative luxury for free. I'd like to make something which allows rental/sale of your properties, to balance (if renting) you would have to occasionally pay for general upkeep of your property and deal with any complaints (you may mistakenly rent your property to a party animal and arrive to a neighbourly dispute for example).


Together, all 3 elements would make the Skyrim Economy mod. A total overhaul of the Skyrim monetary system (eventually) with relevant quests and the options to expand into Falskaar or Solstheim.


My main question I guess is this; Is it at all possible to use elements (with permission) from the Oblivion mod? And just how much work am I setting myself? I'm as basic as it comes with the CK but willing to learn, if my idea is actually possible with my level of skill of course.

Thanks in advance :smile:

Edited by BingoMorris
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Ok so that's something not so new to Skyrim.


Great input, really helpful, thanks a lot. :dry: I think I'll head to the mod author forum.

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