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Landscape Problems


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Im having alittle problems with the landscape of a Fallout mod i have made. when i remove areas from the world or lower the ground it remains on the world but has no collision, i.e. it can be walked through, cant be seen in the geck, and many trees that i deleted from the geck are still there with the same problems. in this picture the brown area coming from the building and the dark, strange looking trees dont appear in the geck but are in the game-world. Could someone help me with this problem.














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Here is a thread that deals with LOD. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=126510&hl


I generated new terrain, tree, and object LOD in the Wasteland for my mod. Doing that regenerates the entire Wasteland LOD, so I had to delete the extraneous info that did not pertain to the cells that I was working with to prevent it from overwriting any other mod's LOD changes. Yes, it is time consuming and tedious but it can be done.

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