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My Favorite game was Unreal Tournament 2004 lol.

I cannot stand the abortion that is UT3 though. They pretty much gutted Unreal Tournament down to the most basic skeleton of a first person shooter. No adrenaline, limited character factions, limited game functions. Persoanly UT3 is just a FPS with a shiny paint job, nothing more lol. Tried to take Unreal "Tournament" and turn it into a tactical fps. Failed brutually imo.


But thats just my opinion lol.

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i have to say Unreal Tournament the very first one was my fav the mods that came out where great, also its one of the only game i played for more than 2 years plus
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*off topick iff they striped ut3 down to the graficks and the modes added all the old modes and had a ladder(wth full costom player) instead of that riddilsk excause they call a campain then they have the right to call it a tournament
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