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Khajiit male/female texture issue


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I know that "Male Body Replacer V4 Khajiit Texture Fix" is the solution -- but when I look it up, it somehow supposes that it's out of date? I don't know how that is -- people are still using Robert's Male Body Replacer, correct? :P


Anyway, I'm having the infamous error where my khajiit textures are modded and i need a difference in male and female texture. Load all the mods, load the textures, everything is fine and dandy for a few loads. Then I load up my female character and she has a male's texture again (possibly something that happens when a male character is loaded.) Obviously the reason is because Oblivion wants to load both textures from the male's foot, and that's where I have the full body texture. If I am using Robert's body replacers (both male and female) then what is the solution?


All Help appreciated!

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