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Dragon Age: Origins Need Help with 4Aces HiRes Pack 1


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Okay, so here is the link to the mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/399/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fdragonage%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D399%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D170660&pUp=1


My problem is really the lack of directions overall. Can I use NM or do I have to do it manually? To get this mod do I need to download all of the files provided at the link I gave or just a specific mix of them?


If I have to do it manually can someone help me out because I am super confused on the whole decompressing step, and well the directions for this mod pretty much confuse me in general.


I would appreciate any and all help, thanks!

Edited by Whitespark
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[Moved topic from the DA2 forum where it was posted.]


Not really much to it. The author's instructions were pretty clear.


To install just copy the Override folder you get when you use 7Zip (Google it) into your game's main directory. On my system (Win7) that is C:\Dragon Age\packages\core. If you have other textures in your override folder then you should back them up first so that you can reinstall later if you want to uninstall this mod.

If you have other texture mods that you want to combine with this, then you need to move all the textures to the same folder in your override folder. The easiest, and cleanest way is just to move any other texture file (*.dds) into my Override/Textures folder. That way you know all the textures are in there.

To uninstall, just delete it all. That is all the /override/textures/*.*.


This is an entire set of textures so yes, you need the files 1-6, plus the "seam" patch. If you knew exactly which .dds file was for which specific type of item, and which ones you wanted, and which of the six partial archives they were in, then you could download just the ones that had what you were looking for and extract the particular file(s). But I'm guessing that's not you.


(You don't need the "Part 2" file unless you want to try them too. It's a follow-up set. But it won't hurt anything...)


If you don't understand about "compressed files", you need to read the pop-up that appears when you download manually on the Nexus and follow the link.


You know... this one:

Downloading file

Your file is being prepared for download ...

If you do not receive an error, and the page continues to load, please be patient. Your file is being transferred to this server for downloading.

Download not starting? Please enable javascript and HTTP redirects in your browser and insure you aren't running any plugins that might stop these from loading (Adblockers, NoScript, etc.).

Don't know what to do with ZIP, RAR or 7z files after you've downloaded them? Check out our article on file compression basics and what programs to use.


NOTE: The author's directions do presume that you know where your particular game is installed. And that you recognize that this is the game's "\override" folder, not you the user's. The author showed the install path for his game. Yours will vary depending on your specific install mechanism (retail disc, Steam, EA/Origin, etc.) If you don't know your own game's install path, then I'm not sure you should be modding your game at this level.

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