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Quick harvest flora question


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Ok so i downloaded/extracted it i have the meshes, the .esp's the read me's and 2 files that i dont know what do with. there a folder called omod conversion data...i dont know what to do with that theres another file with the same name as the original .esp but it has the oblivion logo. is this for mod manager?


Are the 2 files that im sure about for oblivion mod manager? can i use this mod with out messing with those? I'd rather just plop the .esp's and meshes into the directory...

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Well, first of all you need to have OBMM(Oblivion Mod Manager) installed. With OBMM you can convert an "OMOD-ready archive" to an "OMOD". OMOD is basically just an OBMM-specific file format. OMODs are not really different from other mods. But they make activation/deactivation very easy (if you're using OBMM).


To answer your last question: OMODs do exactly that. They are basically archives that get extracted into your Oblivion directory, overwriting stuff, if you let them. But, they also allow you to deactivate them without losing your previous data. They will remember your previous configuration and restore it, when you deactivate the OMOD (this does not apply to your load-order, but to the data in you "Data"-folder).


So, unless the OMOD replaces your Oblivion.esm(very, very, very, very* unlikely) it's safe. In short: trust the OMOD. It ain't gonna hurt you.


* if you happen find a mod that does this, please report it. It's either a scam or bullsh!t.

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i have oblivion mod manager and i trust the mod. i just dont know why i got so many files. i dont know what im supposed to do with them all. Is the thing with the oblivion logo, for OBMM? Is that for an alternative way of installing this? to my knowlegde i only had to put the esp's and meshes in my directory. Am i mistaken?
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Some downloads have extra files that are used for specific purposes. And not needed in a standard install. The conversion data is likely not needed unless you do as the_philanthropy suggested and make it into an OMOD type - not required for a standard install, but recommended as it makes working with mods easier.


The one with the logo may be a bsa type file. check the suffix to be sure. If so, just put it into the data folder and not in a sub folder.

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