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Ultra low perception??


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So I was playing Fo3 and enjoying it, and I came up against some SM's. Just regular buisness right? Wrong. I was fighting one and my perception takes a nose dive down to 1. I finish them off and look at SPECIAL screen, perception: 1(-). i go to effect and it says there are none in effect. So what happened? why did my perception take a sudden nose dive?

My mods running atm:(in order)

Achilles Rifle

Broken Steel(not a mod but still)


EVE Beta_.9.2



In that order, and yes I tried taking my power helmet off and healing all my limbs seperatly.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi folks, first post here in this forum. If you're on the PC, try this:


in the console:


Player.GetAVInfo Perception


This will get a list of effects on your perception. Among them will be a negative number "Damage:-XX.XX"


Note that number and use


Player.RestoreAV Perception XX.XX


and your stats will be back to normal without having to artificially boost your stats with ModAV




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